Frequently Asked Questions
- Every ARMYWARS player must abide by the following rules:
- How can I build helicopters / helicopter?
- How can I convert platinium?
- How can I destroy bridges?
- How can I have my account deleted?
- How can I land a helicopter (helicopter)?
- How can I move resources to another map?
- How can I switch to another map?
- How can I switch to other maps?
- How can I turn the music on and off in the game?
- How can you write something in the chat?
- How do I build air units (aircraft)?
- How do I change my e-mail address?
- How do I find my bases?
- How do I move on the map? Control?
- How do I send coordinates to the chat?
- How do you group units? (grouping of vehicles and flight units)
- How does the MP Invasion Limit Map Change Limit Transfer Limit work
- How does the Platinium Transporter work?
- How high is the storage limit / resource limit
- How many building levels (expansion levels) are there?
- I have forgotten my password. How do I get a new one?
- What are economy points?
- What are military points?
- What do the points in the charts (top lists) consist of?
- What do the ruins on the map mean?
- What does the green dot in the chat or the circle with the A mean?
- What game tips and strategies are available?
- What is the point of the game, what do I have to do?
- What is the range of the SAM basic defence